Who does NCS serve?
Neighborhood Community Services recommends individuals that are struggling with significant psychiatric and/or behavioral functional limitations to seek services. Services provided through Neighborhood Community Services will encourage and empower individuals and their families to productively maintain a healthy family unit and assist in reducing and/or eliminating chances of individuals being placed at-risk of being removed from the home and placed in a group home, hospital and/ or incarceration. We serve children, adolescents, adults and their families within the Metro Richmond area, Chesterfield County, Henrico County, Petersburg, Dinwiddie and other surrounding counties. NCS staff possess over eighteen years of experience in the field of human services.
There is an unwarranted amount of individuals placed at-risk of being removed from the home and placed in alternative placements as a result of their inconsistencies in their lifestyles due to their mental and behavioral health issues. Behaviors such as, but are not limited to lack of parental/child relationships, inappropriate behaviors, anger, poor communication skills with family and/or peers, lack of job skills, struggles with maintaining their diagnostic status on their own in which leads to lack of ability to function normally on a daily basis.
The Community Practitioner’s will assist the individual and family to explore innovative strategies to build a strong healthy and functional family unit. This will lead the individual and family to adjust to positive change, improve their coping strategies and enhance their communication skills. The Community Practitioner’s will also advocate for individuals and their family to link appropriate resources and other services they may need.
Neighborhood Community Services community base services will utilize a collaborative approach that exploit the family strengths, special skills and abilities to successfully meet individual and their family’s goals. A Community Practitioner is assigned based on the need and services of the individual and family. This approach provides a network of support that can effectively assist individuals and their family to function effectively in the community and in the home.
Neighborhood Community Services has the ability to provide service in both Spanish and English.
What does NCS offer?

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10134 Hull Street Road, Suite D
Midlothian, Virginia 23112
P | 804.477.6275 F | 804.823.8077
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